SSD Dedicated servers – Why is it better than a hard disk?

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An SSD server is a virtual technology, which can serve better than old ways of storage solutions. An SSD server is a solid state drive that can be installed directly into a server. As it doesn’t have to access data on an external storage and it reduces latency, because of this  SSD Dedicated servers has high performance direct attached storage.

 SSD based Dedicated Servers are mostly used to access data in a database on frequent intervals. These best use cases have the capacity to reduce data latency by 90%.

SSD Dedicated Servers vs HDD Dedicated Servers

Processor and RAM technology have advanced rapidly but the storage has not seen much performance until Solid Storage Drive was introduced a few years back. Every invention has its own advantages and disadvantages. Here are some points that may help to distinguish.

1. Performance

As a SSD Dedicated servers has no moving parts it virtually eliminates seek time. As fragmented data is no longer an issue this point becomes a game changer. A typical SSD has 50,000+ IOPS ( IO operations per second) where as a standard hard disk has merely 90-120 IOPS which makes SSDs’ performance 500 times better than a hard drive.

2. Power Consumption

Another game changing feature is the small amount of power required to operate SSD. A traditional hard disk has moving parts uses 5 to 10 watts of power whereas an SSD doesn’t hence it uses less than 1 watt of power. While this may seem like a negligible part an SSD adds up quickly with large RAID arrays which increase the heat inside a server. The heat causes fans to runs faster and hence can consume more power.

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3. Storage

Due to technology cost and limitations only limited size SSD Dedicated servers are available in the market. They only available a fraction of the size of a standard hard drive. SSD makes sense only when storage requirement is low. There is scope in near future as technology keeps making improvements.

4. Cost

The SSDs are priced 10 times more expensive than a hard drive. This is a major disadvantage for the users. The storage costs, unfortunately, becomes a major factor for major server configurations.

Seeing the above differences the choice between a Hard drive Dedicated Servers and SSD Dedicated Servers becomes tough. The availability of SSD now is making it hard to decide storage space or performance.

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Know more about SSD Dedicated servers

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